Sunday, February 15, 2009


I preached today from Matt. 5:4:

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

I have been working on it for a couple of weeks. I told DeeDee it was getting me when I was studying for it but when I spoke it today WOW! the Lord ate my lunch.

I have to ask myself, do I mourn over my sin, my every sin, or do I tolerate some? Do I mourn over the sin of the world or do I just turn my head and say, "That's the way people are today," and move on.

If I truly mourn over sin, it must be all sin. Mourning is not measured in degrees. Either you are mourning or your not.

Do you mourn over sin? Never forget, even the "small" ones were big enough for Jesus to go to the cross.

Gripped by Grace,

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Your sermon was definitely one to make us think... whether we are strong in our faith or just church attendees, sin affects all of our lives and we should grieve over it.

Praying for God to help me see my sin as He does and to respond to it as He would have me to... where would we be without the grace of God? I am so thankful for that grace!
