Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"What do you think?" or "What?... Do You Think?"

I am in the process of reading two great books. (I gave John Calvin a break.)

One is "The Christian Mind" by a British author, Harry Blamires. The other "Running on Empty" by Fil Anderson.

The first is, I believe, sermon preparation. The second one is definitely for me, but that is a story, maybe for another time.

In "The Christian Mind" I read the following quote which I have thought but could not have worded it in such a grand way. The British have a very "to the point" way of talking.

If Christians cannot communicate as thinking beings,
they are reduced to encountering one another only at
the shallow level of gossip and small talk. Hence the
perhaps peculiarly modern problem --- the loneliness of
the thinking Christian.

Very true Mr. Blamires. Very true.

So if you find yourself in a time of "small talk" or worse - "gossip"...think about this quote.

Gripped by Grace

1 comment:

Tricia said...

That is so true... just yesterday I was talking to a dear friend who was telling me how lonely she was at church because everyone just seems to gossip rather than talking about Jesus and what He is doing in their lives...
