Thursday, March 12, 2009

Agreeing in Prayer

It is a wonderful thing to see our church family grow in our prayer life together. I have watched the last two weeks as we have gathered around "family members" and prayed for them. The love we see at those times is amazing and heart touching.

I said Sunday we are going to make this something that Calera Baptist is known for. It will not be the exception but the norm.

People are hurting and need our prayers. Most of the things that bother us are minor by comparison to the hurts and pains that some are suffering. So when an annoyance comes - measure it by what you know some of our brothers and sisters are experiencing and let then it pass.

Let's follow scripture and "Bear one another's burdens," and not let the small stuff get our eyes off of each other or the Lord.

Gripped by Grace,

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

It was a very sweet service (AGAIN). And what a ministry to us...
That is the way the 'FAMILY' is supposed to function.